About Irene Velasco

Welcome! A bit about me in case you’ve stumbled into the “About” section…

When I initially started this blog it was to write about fitness. Changes in my life had drastically happened once I altered my exercise and diet. People viewed me differently (it was shocking, really) once my appearance changed. I was almost non-existent as a former fat person (thank you Kelly Osbourne for that phrase). As a thinner woman men run to open doors for me. I kind of find that amusing.

I still remember to say “Thank You”.

I’ve found that when I sit to write my life has changed so much it’s impossible to write just about fitness. I feel better. A lot goes along with feeling better. There’s the aspect of what you see in the mirror. The clothing you wear. (The “girly” stuff!) The food and drink enjoyed. (How to balance it.) Dating. Yes, even the old people like are allowed out to date 😉 And most importantly, enjoying Phoenix. I     a d o r e     Phoenix living.

So this blog is probably going to change a bit.

This is me around March 2012.

Irene 2012 March?

(I should brush my hair before photos)

Here I am in a beautiful part of Phoenix.

These shorts had elastic in them. Enough Said.

These shorts had elastic in them. Enough Said.

(This post contains additional “before” pictures. Painful.)

Yes, if you look at my earlier blog posts you can see more photos with my face. I disagree with women who say they are happy being overweight. Acceptance is another word for defeat.

I had given up in that photo.

(The irony of my weight loss is that I’ve now stopped looking at scales. I’m happier to measure progress by how much smaller I continue to be.)

This blog’s URL is “Future Spartan” as I see myself participating in a SPARTAN Race early next year.

I’m terrified.

I’m not ready yet. When I initially started my journey it was to become healthier, yes, but to look and feel better. Hell yes! As a woman, this is muy importante! Now that clothes are starting to really cooperate I realize I need longer term goals to work towards.

I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be able to finish a SPARTAN race, but I sure as heck am going to try.

Update Sept 2013:  Wearing a walking cast is making running a no. Obstacle racing is on hold for now.

This is a gratuitous shot of me cleaned up.


Wait, this outfit really is roaring, isn’t it?

Ok, I went back into the archives to find the chipmunk cheeks. Here they are in full glory.

Me, Myself & Irene

Me, Myself & Irene

Better, no?

– xoxo
Irene Velasco

6 thoughts on “About Irene Velasco

  1. coachdougbowers

    Not only will you finish the Spartan, I think you will do really well. Very impressive. Scales and calorie counting; I’m not much for that either. BMI, stamina and general overall feeling healthy is much more of an indicator.
    I’m watching; looking forward to more good things.

  2. markrazon

    Irene you are still effin awesome for wanting to compete in the Spartan Race! If I may give you a piece advice, measure your progress by how fast you run, the distance you’ve traveled, the weight you’ve lifted, and the reps you’ve completed. If you do this and continue to eat well, not only will you move like a mofo on that course, you’ll also look hot doing so! Good luck girl!

    1. on a mission Post author

      Thanks Mark. I 100% agree with you. What I’m lacking at this point is a solid workout plan. I met today with a former fitness counselor to help me start sorting that out. Right now I’ve been throwing hodge podge things to test myself but nothing very consistent. Looking to change that. Part of the reason I put this blog out there is to hold myself accountable. Public humiliation is one way to keep the pressure on 🙂

      1. markrazon

        Lol some are driven from fear and some are driven by success. Neither is wrong so just do whatever you need to do to stay motivated. Just a tip here… the spartan race will require more than just cardio and weights. it will require lots of metabolic conditioning as well! Make sure you implement that into your program! Good luck and I will be here to help answer any questions!

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