Tag Archives: LA Fitness

Why We Do Things

The other night I was questioned hard on the course I was taking in life. I don’t like facing the firing squad. If you don’t like what I’m doing – fine. Don’t do it.

However, I  think exercise is important. If you read nothing else, fitness and food are fundamentals to healthy life and shouldn’t be scoffed at. Yo!

I completely appreciate that my non-traditional approach to things may make some squirm. But hey, this is my gig. And I’m really happy. Opening my heart to a healthier start has made me a better person. Things are just easier and I like e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. more.

Nothing in my life has been traditional. After sitting behind a desk for most of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties I said, “Nope. I’m good.”

I mean, yes. I did walk from meeting to meeting. Standing during facilitation of meetings was part of work too. But basically I did a lot of sitting. Even in the big city of New York. (You’d be amazed how much time people can spend trying to hail a cab. Just walk! It’s faster!)

But (before I forget) this is what new redesigned gym book looks like…


My professional ascent was non-traditional. I studied one thing (business administration | marketing major) and happened to fall into information architecture / user experience design…and then later product management. All of my jobs stemmed from, and get ready to laugh, my fine ability to use Power Point.

Yep. That’s it. I moved up and around some fantastic jobs doing things I found interesting…until they weren’t.

Last year when I came to visit Phoenix during Snow Bird Season (that would be winter for the rest of the country) I said…”Hoh. Time for a change. Look at the blue skies here. DO IT IRENE!”

I didn’t know what. I didn’t know where. I didn’t know how. But I went back to New York and closed things down. I moved to Phoenix during what I affectionately call “Oven Season”.

Otherwise known as June.

I didn’t know a lot of things. But I followed my intuition.

In my core I knew Phoenix would be more conducive to creating a fitter Irene. No more grey skies to frown at in the morning. No more cold weather to keep me buried under a comforter. Phoenix, in my opinion, possessed unbelievable views that would help to motivate me to GET OUT THERE.

I was right.

Look at the sun beams!


My super bomb diggity chiropractor, Dr. Dom, worked his Magic Fingers of God. My stupid car accident neck and back issue were made significantly better. I went from couch potato to someone ready to hit the gym. (June to end of October.) From November to April I worked my butt off at LA Fitness and dropped a significant chunk of weight. (Look here for a post about that.)

I like going to the gym. Let me show you. No really. It’s actually fun!


On Squat Days this is the Mirror of Death.


Not really the mirror of death. I watched Snow White. I use the mirror for spotting. And to apply lipstick IN THE LOCKER ROOM. Anyway I digress.

I decided to stop weighing myself. The random number generator (the scale) is useless. I don’t care what that says so long as my clothes fit well and I feel stronger.

So this is the really stupid part. I had given myself a year to recover and lose weight. The recovery from not feeling well makes sense. Fine, get better. Losing weight was an emotional barrier I created for myself. I didn’t want to present myself as a candidate anywhere until I was closer to my old self.


“Closer to my old self” IN SIZE. Well guess what? I’m still the same person. Yes, my self-confidence is thru the roof today. But there’s really no reason I couldn’t have been freelancing. That being said I’m very happy that I focused on myself for the first time in a very long time.

Honestly though, the world is a difficult place and thinner people have an easier time. I hear and see it often. (Even from the people closest to me. I don’t think it’s very nice to call people fat as raised previously.)

I have a number of other items on my roadmap. (Shhh! Not sharing everything.) But let me tell you. If I’m sharing (some of) my roadmap with you don’t scoff!

Some of the craziest people in the world have been the most successful. Determination will take you place you never believed possible.

If you have things you want in your life – I think you should go get them.
